Hello all,

The next 2019 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2019) will be in Freiburg (Germany) in July. This year the program is specifically aimed at drawing in more Galaxy end-users, including for training. We are really interested it what you would like to learn.

Please take a few minutes to decide and then vote which training should be offered during GCC2019If there is any chance that you will attend then we want to hear from you.

Topic voting closes 4 February. The Training schedule, including instructors, will be published before early registration opens.

GCC2019 will be held 1-6 July in Freiburg, Germany. If you work in data-intensive biomedical research, there is no better place than GCC2019 to present your work and to learn from others.

Thanks, and see you in Freiburg

The GCC2019 Organizers
