Dear list, For a tool that I'm writing I would like to show or hide certain parameters based on what the user entered in other parameters. Normally I would use the conditional tag combined with a select menu which works fine in most cases. However, I also use a selectbox with the following settings: <param name="report_options" type="select" multiple="True" display="checkboxes" label=".." /> As far as I'm aware, it is impossible to use things like 'refresh_on_change' or making a conditional with it since multiple options can be selected. Optimally what I would like to do is something like this (I know the syntax is incorrect): #if "option1" in $report_options #<param name="new_option1" type="text" /> #else if "option2" in $report_options #<param name="new_option2" type="integer" /> #end if But I tested it and the if/else stuff is ignored by Galaxy, is this due to the fact that the XML code is evaluated first and the Cheetah template only when the 'execute' button is pressed? -- Another few small questions: - When using the (deprecated) <page> tag, can I get a 'Previous' button? - Where can I find instructions on the alternative of the <page> tag ("refresh_on_change")? Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Marcel. ________________________________ De inhoud van dit bericht is vertrouwelijk en alleen bestemd voor de geadresseerde(n). Anderen dan de geadresseerde(n) mogen geen gebruik maken van dit bericht, het niet openbaar maken of op enige wijze verspreiden of vermenigvuldigen. Het UMCG kan niet aansprakelijk gesteld worden voor een incomplete aankomst of vertraging van dit verzonden bericht. The contents of this message are confidential and only intended for the eyes of the addressee(s). Others than the addressee(s) are not allowed to use this message, to make it public or to distribute or multiply this message in any way. The UMCG cannot be held responsible for incomplete reception or delay of this transferred message.