
Sorry for this UP.

Since this issue is also on usegalaxy.org, I insist.

To get this error, you just need to add the tool "Extract features" on the workflow canevas.
You will get a red message "error loading field data" 


Gildas Le Corguillé - Bioinformatician/Bioanalyste
Plateforme ABiMS (Analyses and Bioinformatics for Marine Science)

Station Biologique de Roscoff - UPMC/CNRS - FR2424
Place Georges Teissier 29680 Roscoff FRANCE
tel: +33 2 98 29 23 81

Le 13 nov. 2015 à 16:01, Gildas Le Corguillé <lecorguille@sb-roscoff.fr> a écrit :


One of my user wanted to import a workflow using the tool "Extract features" provided in the galaxy distrib : tools/filters/gff/extract_GFF_Features.xml

On my instance, in the workflow canevas, I get this in red "error loading field data"

On usegalaxy.org, I happy to observe that it's the same ... Sorry :)

Any idea ?


Gildas Le Corguillé - Bioinformatician/Bioanalyste
Plateforme ABiMS (Analyses and Bioinformatics for Marine Science)

Station Biologique de Roscoff - UPMC/CNRS - FR2424
Place Georges Teissier 29680 Roscoff FRANCE
tel: +33 2 98 29 23 81

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