Dear developers Since upgrading to release_16.07 I've noticed a broken link to the masthead icon (i.e. the Galaxy logo 'galaxyIcon_noText.png') in our local Galaxy installations, which are all served from subdirectories of the webserver, e.g. https://centaurus.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/galaxy/ The icon is visible when this URL is visited but appears to be broken when using parts of Galaxy served from their own subdirectories e.g. the login page (under https://centaurus.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/galaxy/user/login?...) or the admin interface (https://centaurus.itservices.manchester.ac.uk/galaxy/admin). At the top level the logo <img> "src" is points correctly to "/galaxy/static/images/galaxyIcon_noText.png"; in the subdirs (users,admin etc) it points to "../../../static/images/galaxyIcon_noText.png" (which cannot be loaded). As far as I can work out, in 16.07 the "src" location is generated from templates/webapps/galaxy/galaxy.masthead.mako, but takes its value from the 'logo_src' parameter that is set in lib/galaxy/managers/configuration.py: ... # TODO: this doesn't seem right 'logo_url' : lambda i, k, **c: self.url_for( i.get( k, '/' ) ), 'logo_src' : lambda i, k, **c: self.url_for( '/static/images/galaxyIcon_noText.png' ), ... However I have no idea how to try and fix it - presumably it needs to incorporate the proxy-prefix setting somehow. (Btw the 'logo_url' does seem to point to the correct location however.) Can someone suggest a fix? Thanks Peter -- Peter Briggs peter.briggs@manchester.ac.uk Bioinformatics Core Facility University of Manchester B.1083 Michael Smith Bldg Tel: (0161) 2751482