Hi Greg,
I'm right now in implementing a setup_perl_environment and stumbled about a tricky problem (that is not only related to perl but also for ruby, python and R).
The Problem:
Lets assume a perl package (A) requires a xml parser written in C/C++ (Z).
(Z) is a dependency that I can import but as far as I can see there is no way to call set_environment_for_install before setup_perl_environment, because setup_perl_environment defines an installation type.
I would like to discuss that issue to get a few ideas. I can think about these solutions:
- hackish solution:
I can call install_environment.add_env_shell_file_paths( action_dict[ 'env_shell_file_paths' ] ) inside of the setup_*_environment path and remove it from action type afterwards
- import all env.sh variables from every (package) definition. Regardless if set_environment_for_install is set or not.
I must admit, I do not understand why set_environment_for_install is actually needed. I think we can assume that if I specify a
<package name="R_3_0_1" version="3.0.1">
<repository name="package_r_3_0_1" owner="iuc" prior_installation_required="True" />
I want the ENV vars sourced.
Furthermore, that can solve an other issue: Namely, the need of ENV vars from a package definition in the same file. Lets imagine package P has dependency D and you want to download compile both in one tool_dependencies.xml file.
You can either do it in one <package> definition or you need to split them up in 2 tool_dependencies.xml files, rigth?
Maybe we can just assume a strict order in a tool_dependencies.xml file, where every ENV vars are sourced for the following one? Does that make sense?
Any other ideas?