Enis, FYI, Unfortunately I am traveling out of the country today and further investigation will need to wait until I return. I will set a note to follow-up on this when I get back and let you know more details so we can see just what is happening in more detail. Expect to hear back from me in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the help, David On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 8:10 PM Enis Afgan <enis.afgan@irb.hr> wrote:
Now we have what may be a CloudMan question: our working cluster has a head node and 4 workers. The head node is loaded up but the workers are idle. I would have thought jobs should be pushing out to the workers but we don't see any load on these machines.
So are the jobs queued just not being scheduled on the workers? If that's the case, it is definitely not the expected behavior. What about submitting an additional job from Galaxy or the command line - where does it go? I've never tried the splitting thing but just wonder if there's some affinity assigned that makes all jobs run on the same node, although it seems that wold defeat the whole purpose of splitting...