Dear Nate,
We're trying to implement different tools to handle sequences generated by Megabace/AB1 sequencers.
The very first step in this process is to load the chromatograms provided by the machines.
The thing is these machines produce an individual file per sequence and the phred software (base caller) receive as parameters a compressed file or a directory path.
Since galaxy 'get data' feature loads only individual files and we're not able to implement phred to do such things, what options are left?
Thank you so much,

On 07/29/2010 01:57 PM, Eric Aguiar wrote:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Help about zip upload (esd files)
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 12:09:06 -0400
To: Eric Aguiar <>
CC:  List 

Eric Aguiar wrote:
> Dear,
> I followed all steps in the galaxy tutorial, but I didn't have success.
> I'm trying to create a datatype for megabase chromatograms (.esd) very 
> similar to the Ab1 ones.
> Here is my configurations.
> *1 - Creating datatypes in datatypes_conf.xml*
>  <datatype extension="zip" type="galaxy.datatypes.binary:Esd" 
> mimetype="application/zip" display_in_upload="true"/>
> <datatype extension="esd" type="galaxy.datatypes.binary:Esd" 
> mimetype="application/octet-stream" display_in_upload="true"/>
> *2 - Defining types in lib/galaxy/datatypes/*
> class Esd( Binary ):
>     """Class describing an ab1 binary sequence file"""
>     file_ext = "esd"
>     def set_peek( self, dataset, is_multi_byte=False ):
>         if not dataset.dataset.purged:
>             dataset.peek  = "Binary chromatograms sequence file"
>             dataset.blurb = data.nice_size( dataset.get_size() )
>         else:
>             dataset.peek = 'file does not exist'
>             dataset.blurb = 'file purged from disk'
>     def display_peek( self, dataset ):
>         try:
>             return dataset.peek
>         except:
>             return "Binary esd sequence file (%s)" % ( data.nice_size( 
> dataset.get_size() ) )
> class Zip( Binary ):
>     """Class describing a zip archive of binary sequence files"""
>     file_ext = "zip"
>     def set_peek( self, dataset, is_multi_byte=False ):
>         if not dataset.dataset.purged:
>             zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile( dataset.file_name, "r" )
>             num_files = len( zip_file.namelist() )
>             dataset.peek  = "Archive of %s binary sequence files" % ( 
> str( num_files ) )
>             dataset.blurb = data.nice_size( dataset.get_size() )
>         else:
>             dataset.peek = 'file does not exist'
>             dataset.blurb = 'file purged from disk'
>     def display_peek( self, dataset ):
>         try:
>             return dataset.peek
>         except:
>             return "Binary sequence file archive (%s)" % ( 
> data.nice_size( dataset.get_size() ) )
>     def get_mime( self ):
>         """Returns the mime type of the datatype"""
>         return 'application/zip'
> When I'm going to send the file in zip format (.esd files compressed),it 
> shows me the following error:
> *"An error occurred running this job: Invalid 'File Format' for archive 
> consisting of binary files - use ''"*

Hi Eric,

Have you updated to a recent revision of Galaxy? and the 
code that prevents uploading zip files has been removed.  Currently, 
though, a zip file can only contain one member.


> I tried somethings, but I don't have success.
> Thank you,
> -- 
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Adhemar Zerlotini Neto, PhD
FIOCRUZ - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
CPqRR - Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou
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