Peter Cock wrote:
I've been working on this using JJ's work on column picking in the BLAST XML to tabular tool - viewable here:
I'm considering splitting the column picker into three, the standard 12 columns, the further 13 used in our extended 25 column output, and a third category for any other columns offered by BLAST+ (like the taxonomy columns added in BLAST+ 2.2.28).
Here's a screenshot showing the column picker offering the 25 columns, split in two:
Note that (following JJ's earlier work) these all include the column numbers as used in the standard 12 column BLAST tabular output, or our extended 25 column output.
Note I would not intend to number the final set of "extra" columns.
Do people think this is helpful, or potentially confusing (since the column numbering will change in a custom selection)?
Jim Johnson wrote:
Splitting into 3 sections seems like a good idea. That makes it easier to select groups of columns.
I also think labeling the column options with the column number in the standard tabular outputs will be useful to users.
Nicola Soranzo wrote:
I also like the splitting into 3 sections, but I think that the column numbering may be confusing and I would prefer it's not included.
So we have agreement on splitting the columns into three groups (standard 12, extended 13, and the rest), but not about if the first two batches should be numbered (as columns 1 to 25). Next I need to look at the missing columns, and ideally see which can be automatically extracted from the XML for the conversion tool... Peter