Hi David, Actually that is an interesting idea to use a daemon to move the files into associated user directories. Is that something that Galaxy Dev is working/can work on, or was that just a suggestion? I'm not opposed to doing any dev work of my own, but I don't really know Python that well and I know most of the Galaxy code is Python. I'm not sure that I follow what you are talking about with the joint user/galaxy directory though. I'm of course wanting it to not be unified (not all in the same directory) and rather be segregated by user into user subdirectories, but I think you already caught that so I guess I just didn't understand what you were getting at. Josh Nielsen ----------
How about if there were a completely separate daemon that monitored the galaxy database periodically to determine what datasets belong to which user(s). Then it would move the actual dataset to an area owned by the user and group accessible to galaxy, replacing the dataset with a symlink. This would require no changes to the galaxy build, but it would require a constant monitoring system.
There is already a mechanism for users to move their files into a joint user/galaxy directory, but it is (as far as I know) only allowed for libraries, not histories. It would be better if there were a way for users to browse through their own directories as a tool, and be able to load files directly into their history.
David Hoover