Hi John, Your patch works indeed. Issues-- Thanks, Marc -----Original Message----- From: jmchilton@gmail.com [mailto:jmchilton@gmail.com] On Behalf Of John Chilton Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 2:58 PM To: Marc Logghe Cc: galaxy-dev@lists.bx.psu.edu Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] workflow input param issue I am really very sorry about that. It seems this must be related to my pull request "fixing" multiple input tool parameters. I have spent some time this morning trying to reproduce your error, but I cannot. That said I think I can fix it, this patch should work: diff --git a/templates/workflow/run.mako b/templates/workflow/run.mako index c7cd138..175f148 100644 --- a/templates/workflow/run.mako +++ b/templates/workflow/run.mako @@ -243,9 +243,12 @@ if wf_parms: %if isinstance( param, DataToolParameter ): %if ( prefix + param.name ) in step.input_connections_by_name: <% - conn = step.input_connections_by_name[ prefix + param.name ] + conns = step.input_connections_by_name[ prefix + param.name ] + if not isinstance(conns, list): + conns = [conns] + vals = ["Output dataset '%s' from step %d" % (conn.output_name, int(conn.output_step.order_index)+1 %> - Output dataset '${conn.output_name}' from step ${int(conn.output_step.order_index)+1} + ${",".join(vals)} %else: ## FIXME: Initialize in the controller <% Can you apply the patch and tell me if it works? Probably a similar fix needs to be applied to display.mako also, but I want to be able to recreate the problem first or at least verify this fixes it. -John On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 4:45 AM, Marc Logghe <Marc.Logghe@ablynx.com> wrote:
I have a workflow that basically needs a select parameter as input. 2 steps in the workflow actually need the very same input. I don't think there is a (easy) way to let the user only input the parameter once and that it is passed to both steps.
Anyhow, currently - as a workaround and not very user friendly - the user needs to input the very same parameter twice, for each step where that parameter is required.
The first issue however, is that as soon as the first parameter is set, the second is set as well apparently (they have the same name, that could explain) which is fine, but not to the chosen one, eg. both are kind of reset to default. No errors or something, simply reset, which makes it impossible to enter the parameter.
Next, I hoped to solve the issue by upgrading galaxy to the most recent version. This was not the case since the workflow did not run at all anymore, which brings me to the second issue (see exception dump below).
Any ideas anyone ?
Thanks and regards,
Error - <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'list' object has no attribute 'output_name'
URL: http://smith:8889/workflow/run?id=4b187121143038ff
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.7.egg/paste/exceptions/err ormiddleware.py', line 143 in __call__
app_iter = self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.7.egg/paste/recursive.py', line 80 in __call__
return self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/eggs/Paste-1.6-py2.7.egg/paste/httpexceptions .py', line 632 in __call__
return self.application(environ, start_response)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy/web/framework/base.py', line 160 in __call__
body = method( trans, **kwargs )
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/workflo w.py', line 1523 in run
enable_unique_defaults=trans.app.config.enable_unique_workflow_default s)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy/web/framework/__init__.py', line 836 in fill_template
return self.fill_template_mako( filename, **kwargs )
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/lib/galaxy/web/framework/__init__.py', line 847 in fill_template_mako
return template.render( **data )
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/eggs/Mako-0.4.1-py2.7.egg/mako/template.py', line 296 in render
return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/eggs/Mako-0.4.1-py2.7.egg/mako/runtime.py', line 660 in _render
**_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data))
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/eggs/Mako-0.4.1-py2.7.egg/mako/runtime.py', line 692 in _render_context
_exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/eggs/Mako-0.4.1-py2.7.egg/mako/runtime.py', line 718 in _exec_template
callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/database/compiled_templates/base.mako.py', line 42 in render_body
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/database/compiled_templates/workflow/run.mako .py', line 171 in render_body
__M_writer(unicode(do_inputs( tool.inputs, step.state.inputs, errors.get( step.id, dict() ), "", step, None, used_accumulator )))
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/database/compiled_templates/workflow/run.mako .py', line 40 in do_inputs
return render_do_inputs(context.locals_(__M_locals),inputs,values,errors,pref ix,step,other_values,already_used)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/database/compiled_templates/workflow/run.mako .py', line 435 in render_do_inputs
__M_writer(unicode(row_for_param( input, values[ input.name ], other_values, errors, prefix, step, already_used )))
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/database/compiled_templates/workflow/run.mako .py', line 338 in row_for_param
return render_row_for_param(context,param,value,other_values,error_dict,prefi x,step,already_used)
File '/home/galaxy/galaxy-dev/database/compiled_templates/workflow/run.mako .py', line 498 in render_row_for_param
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'output_name'
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