Hello all,
I am having issues downloading HTML files from Galaxy the same as is described in this email chain:
I am getting the error "(13)Permission denied: xsendfile: cannot open file: /basedir/galaxy_data/database/tmp/tmp8iEccn/library_download.zip" which is indeed a basic filesystem permissions issue. The problem is that the permissions created for that directory and every directory created in tmp/ look like this:
drwx------+ 2 galaxy galaxy 3 Dec 4 09:23 tmp8iEccn
And I have placed the Apache user in the galaxy group, but as you can see no group permissions ever get set by Galaxy on the directories that it creates (it is getting a 700 permissions setting).
As Nate Coraor suggested in the message linked to above, I have tried altering the default umask but I ran into issues with getting non-existant results. I use "sudo service galaxy start" as the galaxy user each time to start the server and a "ps -ef | grep galaxy" confirms that Galaxy is running as the galaxy user. Since I use sudo though I changed the sudoers file to include: