yes, i think galaxy already grabs these files. i seem to recall this process would get stuck if the output was too large (i was running something with a --debug/verbose option and galaxy would not finish the job even though it was off the cluster -- had to redirect to a log file).
Unless I'm misunderstanding, this is what Galaxy already does. stdout/stderr up to 32K are read from .o and .e and stored in job.stdout/job.stderr. We do need to just store them as files and make them accessible for each tool run, this will hopefully happen sometime soonish.
On Nov 29, 2011, at 9:22 PM, Fields, Christopher J wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2011, at 3:13 AM, Peter Cock wrote:
>> On Monday, November 28, 2011, Joseph Hargitai <> wrote:
>>> Ed,
>>> we had the classic goof on our cluster with this. 4 nodes could not see the /home/galaxy folder due to a missing entry in /etc/fstab. When the jobs hit those nodes (which explains the randomness) we got the error message.
>>> Bothersome was the lack of good logs to go on. The error message was too generic - however I discovered that Galaxy was depositing the error and our messages in the /pbs folder and you could briefly read them before they got deleted. There the message was the classic SGE input/output message - /home/galaxy.... file not found.
>>> Hence my follow up question - how can I have galaxy NOT to delete these SGE error and out files?
>>> best,
>>> joe
>> Better yet, Galaxy should read the SGE o and e files and record their contents as it would for a directly executed tools stdout and stderr.
>> Peter
> ...or at least have the option to do so, maybe a level of verbosity. I have been bitten by lack of stderr output myself, where having it might have saved some manual debugging.
> chris
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