

I’m trying to get a wrapper from someone else working and I found this “refresh_on_change” attribute in his select boxes which are filled using the dynamic_options feature:


<param name="col_type" type="select" label="Select column type" refresh_on_change="true"

                display="radio" dynamic_options='get_column_type(library_file)'

                help="" />


      <param name="polarity" type="select" label="Select polarity" refresh_on_change="true"

             display="radio" dynamic_options='filter_column(library_file,col_type)'

                help="" />




When searching the documentation/wiki I do not find a reference to this, but it would be a nice option to have ;) 

Question: is there any way I can force a refresh when the user selects another option from such a select box. As you can see in the example above, this is needed because the next select box has its dynamic options built up by a function that takes the value from the previous select (col_type – highlighted above) as an input parameter. Currently this tool only works by showing each select in its own <page> , which is a deprecated option and prevents the tool from being used in a workflow... :(


Thanks for your help!


Best regards,



Pieter Lukasse

Wageningen UR, Plant Research International

Department of Bioinformatics (Bioscience)

Wageningen Campus, Building 107, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB,
Wageningen, the Netherlands

T: +31-317481122;
skype: pieter.lukasse.wur
