Maybe it would be a good idea then if we made some sort of a 'standard distribution' for desirable genomes and agreed on where they get put on an EBS volume to be able to piggyback off of each other?
Enis and Martin;
> > I am using Galaxy on the cloud and noticed that a genome index and few
> > tools were missing. More specifically, I noticed that bwa cannot be aligned
> > with hg18 and rmdup and view commands are not available in the SAMTools. Do
> > you have any plans for adding these in the near future?
> We don't have a definitive plan for adding the specific functionality youThis weekend I did some work towards trying to help with this sort
> asked about to the cloud but now that you have requested it, we can
> definitely look into it. In the near future (i.e., next couple of weeks),
of thing. This is a publicly available EBS snapshot with several
common genomes (including hg18) indexed for bwa, bowtie, maq and
This also includes a galaxy directory with the .loc files indexed
appropriately if you mount it as /vol/galaxy on an Amazon share; to
give you an idea of the automated approach I was hoping to take
towards aligning it with Galaxy.
There are also two new Cloud BioLinux AMIs that include bwa,
bowtie, samtools and lots of other stuff:
64bit: ami-d62cc4bf
32bit: ami-5423cb3d
Enis, I'm planning to add other genomes based on what y'all have on
the public galaxy and am happy to have you guys using whatever is
useful from this. I'm hoping to write up docs and something more
official and we can discuss in a couple of weeks in Boston,