Hi, Currently, the guide lines for using Apache as a reverse proxy to galaxy are to use the mod_rewrite module and the rewrite rules as explained in the galaxy wiki. I was wondering whether anybody has tried to use mod_proxy, mod_proxy-http instead, with proxypass and proxypassreverse directives ? any technical limitations ? could it be more efficient in a production configuration ? Thanks for the info Chris -- ¡ Note that my email address has changed ! ¡ Please update your records with ! ¡ *christophe.antoniewski@snv.jussieu.fr*<christophe.antoniewski@snv.jussieu.fr>! -- Christophe Antoniewski Drosophila Genetics and Epigenetics Laboratoire de Biolologie du Développement 9, Quai St Bernard, Boîte courrier 24 75252 Paris Cedex 05 Tel +33 1 44 27 34 39 Fax +33 1 44 27 34 45 Mobile +33 6 68 60 51 50 http://drosophile.org