Hello everyone,

I had some trouble bootstrapping a new toolshed with the 15_05 release (worked fine in the past),
and I thought the solution might be interesting.

        ~/toolshed2/galaxy$ sh run_tool_shed.sh -bootstrap_from_tool_shed http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu
Bootstrapping from tool shed at http://toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu.
Creating database... done.
Starting tool shed in order to populate users and categories... done.
Retrieving admin user's API key from done.
Creating users... usage: create_users.py [-h] -a API -f FROM_TOOL_SHED -t TO_TOOL_SHED
create_users.py: error: unrecognized arguments: 8f754ebd516ff576c3b30b6a3402a518 }
Creating categories... usage: create_categories.py [-h] -a API -f FROM_TOOL_SHED -t TO_TOOL_SHED
create_categories.py: error: unrecognized arguments: 8f754ebd516ff576c3b30b6a3402a518 }

Bootstrap complete, shutting down temporary tool shed process. A log has been saved to tool_shed_bootstrap.log

The solution is to exclude the curl braces coming from the API response. A quick fix is to change the line

api_key=`curl -s --user $admin_user_email:$admin_user_password $local_shed_url/api/authenticate/baseauth/ | sed 's/..*api_key[^0-9a-f][^0-9a-f]*\([0-9a-f]*\)..*/\1/'`


api_key=`curl -s --user $admin_user_email:$admin_user_password $local_shed_url/api/authenticate/baseauth/ | sed 's/..*api_key[^0-9a-f][^0-9a-f]*\([0-9a-f]*\)..*/\1/'| sed 's/[{}]//g'`

in lib/tool_shed/scripts/bootstrap_tool_shed/bootstrap_tool_shed.sh .

Hope it’s useful,