Hi all, I'm about to add all our existing BLAST nucleotide databases into the blastdb.loc file, plus all our protein databases into blastdb_p.loc, for use in Galaxy. I've realised these will result in some quite long drop down lists, which will not be very user-friendly. Currently in wwwblast, we have listed our BLAST databases by organism, and inserted dummy disabled options as spacers (e.g. species names). Perhaps a similar mechanism would work in Galaxy? According to the tool configuration page on the wiki the <option> tag only has value and selected tags, it would need something like an enabled tag (default true), and a way to select this from a loc file column. Alternatively I'm wondering if a (multiple select?) drill down select would be possible, something like that used in the Multiple Alignment Viewer tool (file visualization/GMAJ.xml). Are there any other similar situations elsewhere in Galaxy, and how was it handled? Thanks, Peter