Il 2014-04-09 22:18 John Marmaduke Eppley ha scritto:
As far as I can figure out, the parameter map for running a workflow via the API is supposed to look like this:
{'blastn': {'param': 'evalue', 'value': '1e-06’}}
This doesn’t seem to allow for multiple parameters to a single tool. Is there a way to submit multiple parameters that I’m missing? For example:
{'blastn': {'param': 'evalue', 'value': '1e-06’, 'param': ‘identity_cutoff’, ‘value’: ’70’}}
…will not work. The dict() container doesn’t allow duplicate keys, it just overwrites the values.
Hi John, you are using the old and deprecated syntax, you can use instead: {'blastn': {'evalue': '1e-06', 'identity_cutoff': 70}} For more details look at _update_step_parameters() function documentation: https://bitbucket.org/galaxy/galaxy-dist/src/tip/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/a... Or look at this complete example: https://github.com/crs4/bioblend/blob/objects/docs/examples/w5_galaxy_api.py Moreover, you may consider using the more high-level bioblend API: http://bioblend.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ Best, Nicola