Hi all,
Looked for this in the list but couldn't find it. Admittedly I was using gmail to search the list so I may have missed it - apologies if so.
I have put a very simple tool into a local toolshed (latest version of toolshed) which just consists of an xml wrapper and a perl script in the repository. (attached) I want to test it prior to putting it in the main toolshed..
When I install the tool into my galaxy (latest-stable version) it installs ok.
I then go to run the tool and it loads the interface quite happily but upon execute it says tool doesn't exist.
I think its looking in the wrong folder on the server for the tool.
In the main galaxy window:
Tool '
galaxy-dev.genome.edu.au:9009/repos/slugger/fasta_stats/fasta-stats/1.0.0' does not exist, kwd={'tool_state': u'80025569356339643261396332633035356535356161303366316533393935313439613834366130616239363a3762323235663566373036313637363535663566323233613230333032633230323236343631373436313733363537343232336132303232333233323232376471002e', 'runtool_btn': u'Execute', 'refresh': u'refresh', 'dataset': u'22'}
In the server log:
The tool is installed in (via the toolshed install process):
Any ideas?
Simon Gladman