On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:05 PM, Wolfgang Maier <wolfgang.maier@biologie.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
this is just to make sure: the GALAXY_SLOTS environmental variable set by Galaxy when running tools will always be a number >= 1 with 1 being the default if nothing else is configured in the job runner settings ?
Correct ?
Thanks, Wolfgang
Hi Wolfgang, I believe so, however it is possible it might be unset in a corner case (please report this as a bug if you see it happen) or a tool could change the value. You can use the following bash syntax to set your own default in the tool's <command> template, e.g. -num_threads "\${GALAXY_SLOTS:-8}" Note the colon minus is the special bash syntax, here the default value is 8 (not minus 8) if $GALAXY_SLOTS is not set. Also note in the <command> XML you must escape the dollar sign. Peter