Hello I’m trying to include some of the tools available from usegalaxy.org in the tool menu of our instance of Galaxy. When I look at the list of tools in the Galaxy tool_conf.xml.main file, it does not seem to line up with what you see in the menu at usegalaxy.org. I’ve searched through various versions etc. on GitHub, but no luck—they all seem to be identical and do not seem to correspond with the menu at usegalaxy.org (I am looking specifically at the Text Manipulation part of the menu). Any clues on where I should look? Thanks, Nancy Ide ----------------------------------------------------- Nancy Ide Professor of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Vassar College Poughkeepsie, New York 12604-0520 USA tel: (+1 845) 437 5988 fax: (+1 845) 437 7498 email: ide@cs.vassar.edu http://www.cs.vassar.edu/~ide -----------------------------------------------------