I was able to reproduce the problem (ironically, on the cloud) and it seems to be an issue with how postgres drops tables: if there are foreign key dependencies between tables, it does not drop them. Some sort of a workaround that's custom to postgres will be needed but since it's not messing things up, it may be a while...
It's postgreSQL .
My database has been upgraded (and never re-created from scratch) since may 2008, so it's quite possible it has some "ghosts" in it.
I have never used any Cloud related features, so it's not a problem.
I'm not sure which ones are the "cloud tables", but I can send you the schema if needed.
Enis Afgan wrote, On 06/30/2010 07:50 AM:
> Hi,
> What database is this with? I've tried this migration script with
> Postgres and SQLite but neither time did I see the mentioned error. I
> assume the cloud tables are still there?
> Enis
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Assaf Gordon <gordon@cshl.edu
> galaxy-dev@lists.bx.psu.edu <mailto:galaxy-dev@lists.bx.psu.edu>> <mailto:gordon@cshl.edu>> wrote:
> Hi,
> After pulling the latest changes and upgrading the DB, I get the
> following error:
> ===
> 45 -> 46...
> Migration script to create tables for handling post-job actions.
> done
> 46 -> 47...
> Add a user_id column to the job table.
> Updating user_id column in job table for 76013 rows...
> Updated the user_id column for 75646 rows in the job table.
> 367 rows have no user_id since the value was NULL in the
> galaxy_session table.
> done
> 47 -> 48...
> Add a state column to the history_dataset_association and
> library_dataset_dataset_association table.
> done
> 48 -> 49...
> Migration script to add the api_keys table.
> done
> 49 -> 50...
> ========================================
> This script drops tables that were associated with the old Galaxy
> Cloud functionality.
> ========================================
> DEBUG:0050_drop_cloud_tables:Dropping cloud tables failed:
> (InternalError) cannot drop table cloud_provider because other
> objects depend on it
> HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
> '\nDROP TABLE cloud_provider' {}
> done
> ====
> However, Galaxy runs fine afterwards.
> -gordon
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