Used cloud man to create a new cluster on Feb 22 and picked 500GB as the initial size of the data drive. Working with TCGA exome DNA seq data didn't take long to fill that up. Used the cloud man admin interface to resize from 500GB to 1TB and the resize operation took 15 hours. Not sure if that is expected so wanted to give some heads up in case that is an area for optimization.
Since I now have a local storage problem as I need to work with more than 1TB of data I tried to go the route of setting a S3 bucket using Fuse. Ran into a problem where the first s3fs software I tried to install had a version issue with Ubuntu 10.
I remember something in a support email that better support for Amazon S3 was in the works. Can you provide any guidance or thoughts on how to work with more than 1TB of data using cost effective S3 versus expensive EBS? The same applies for storing results at S3.
With s3fs the file system can hide many of the complexities of moving files back and forth with caching where working with 30GB+ files isn't going to be fun.