Hi, Julie
Currently, the easiest way is to add an id field in the file 'static/scripts/mvc/history/current-history-panel.js'.
On (currently) line 171, after the $newRender variable has been created...
165: // handle the possibility of no model (can occur if fetching the model returns an error)
166: if( this.model ){
167: $newRender = this.renderModel();
168: } else {
169: $newRender = this.renderWithoutModel();
170: }
...add the following two lines (without the line numbers):
171: var idField = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'history-id' ).text( panel.model.get( 'id' ) );
172: $newRender.prepend( idField );
This will put the id at the top of the current history panel. It will also allow styling if you'd want.
Attached is a patch for the above change if you're more comfortable using mercurial to do it.
You can also optionally run the 'pack_scripts.py' script in the 'static/scripts' directory to compress that file down to production size but it's not necessary to do so.
Let me know if you need more info and thanks,