Hi Dave,
I've uploaded the modified tool_dependencies.xml to devteam's package_emboss_5_0_0 repository on the test tool shed, and verified that it works. Again, thank you for your contributions.
Great, thanks!
--Dave B.
On 7/7/13 18:59:57.000, Björn Grüning wrote:
Hi Greg,
bitbucket has a downtime so I have attached a patch. I will create tomorrow a pull request if I find time.
It will work as described and we have now a new variable (__is64bit__) that we can use to determine if python is running under 64bit (assuming that the rest is also 64bit-ish).
Attached is a ported version of emboss as test case (Dave B wrapper).
Have a nice evening! Bjoern
Hi Björn,
This is great. A pull request or a patch is fine. Whatever one is most convenient for you. The code doesn't have to be pretty, just functional. We can always pretty it up later.
Thanks very much for doing this!
On Jul 7, 2013, at 1:19 PM, Björn Grüning <bjoern.gruening@pharmazie.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
Hi Greg,
Hello Björn,
This would be great! I'm not sure about the type attribute - <action type="cheetah_command" may be ok, but maybe a more generic type like <action type="template_command" would be better. I'm not quite sure, so go with what you feel is best. I come up with the following:
<action type="template_command"> #if env.get('X11_LIB_DIR', False) and env.get('X11_INCLUDE_DIR', False): ./configure --prefix=$env.INSTALL_DIR --x-includes= $env.X11_INCLUDE_DIR --x-libraries=$env.X11_LIB_DIR #else: ./configure --prefix=$env.INSTALL_DIR #end if </action>
$env is the global access point to the env variables and its working fine for the few repositories I tested it. I had hoped to get it a little bit prettier but fabric and cheetah doesn't work well together.
If that is still satisfying I would clean up my code and crea