Yes, stooping to using <code> in the workaround. What I remember is that it was only via the dynamic_options() call that I had access to __trans__ variable. If someone on dev knows of another way to get __trans__ stuff via cheeta directly in the XML definition file that would be great. Cheers, Damion Hsiao lab, BC Public Health Microbiology & Reference Laboratory, BC Centre for Disease Control 655 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Z 4R4 Canada ________________________________________ From: Ben Bimber [bbimber@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 11:08 AM To: Dooley, Damion Cc: galaxy-dev@lists.galaxyproject.org Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] find UUID of current history in tool XML wrapper? Hi Damion, Possibly a dumb question, but I thought I'd ask: if i understand your example, you're basically end-running galaxy due to the fact that for dynamic options you can execute code. When this is called, galaxy passes in an object that lets you access the current history ID. In other contexts, I have seen code within <configfile> or similar blocks that seems to essentially be calling native python code as well. Can a similar approach be used to accomplish what you're doing more directly? For example, the other day John Chilton posted this example for the API key: #from galaxy.managers import api_keys# ${api_keys.ApiKeyManager( $__app__ ).get_or_create_api_key( $__user__ )} If I'm already using non-public APIs to get the current history ID, can it be done more directly using something analogous to the above? Thanks, Ben