Hi all,
I was working on the integration of the "samtools view" to work with Galaxy.
The idea is to filter an indexed bam file on a chromosome with "samtools view -bh in.bam.bai chr1".
After some research I noted that samtools will only execute this command when it can find the corresponding sorted bam file, so the "in.bam".
The problem is that Galaxy renames all the files. So "in.bam" will be for instance dataset_1.dat. When I index the bam file I will get an indexed bam file named dataset_2.dat. Samtools can't detect then that dataset_1.dat is the sorted bam file and dataset_2.dat
is the bai file.
Now I was wondering if it is possible to rename files in the ~/galaxy-dist/database/files/000 with a command line. So that dataset_2.dat will be moved to dataset_1.dat.bai.
Does anyone know how to do that?
Kind Regards,