On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 11:08 PM, Ross <ross.lazarus@gmail.com> wrote:
FWIW: I've managed to produce a few of these too - generally arose after futzing with a failed dependency, reaching for the "nuke it" ( 'completely remove' tool) button, then reinstalling it - sometimes there's a complaint that the same version was previously installed (even though it had been supposedly totally nuked), sometimes not - but occasionally a white 'new' ghost will reappear in the manage installed tools list after reinstallation - AFAIK those white ghosts are impossible to remove...
Thanks Ross, It is good to know this isn't an isolated problem - and I too had been "nuking" failed installs, starting with the July 2013 galaxy-dist but also the August galaxy-dist. Maybe that will help Dave reproduce it? I like your name "white ghost" for this since the "new" entry is shown on with a white background (it didn't show up in the HTML email sadly). Peter