Have you read this documentation https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/Tools/Multiple%20Output%20Files#Number_... I think it may be what you are looking for. -John On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Sabrina Legoueix Rodriguez < sabrina.rodriguez@toulouse.inra.fr> wrote:
I am trying to develop a tool to untar, unzip... an archive file in order to obtain each file contained in the archive as a dataset in the current history.
My problem is about the unknown various number of files contained within the archive file.
I was thinking about having an output variable in my .xml that would be fed by my wrapper and returned in order to filter the number of outputs in my .xml ; but the <output> section in the .xml can only get "files" not numbers, right?
In my tool, I ask the user to fill the number of files he wants from the archive ; in .xml I have put 10 outputs for files contained in the archive (out1, out2...) precised in my command and in the output section (for now I can retrieve maximum 10 outputs from my archive).
In the output section, I would like to use <filter> tag in order to select only the output number inferior than the number specified by the user:
<outputs> <data name="output_uncomp1" format="${uncompressed_files_format}" label="${input_compressed.name}_1"/> <data name="output_uncomp2" format="${uncompressed_files_format}" label="${input_compressed.name}_2"> <filter>num_uncompressed_files >= "2"</filter> </data> <data name="output_uncomp3" format="${uncompressed_files_format}" label="${input_compressed.name}_3"> <filter>num_decompressed_files>= "3"</filter> </data>
It does not seem to work well. Could you please tell me if it is possible to use the filter tag as such? If so, how?
Would you have a better idea to implement that tool?
Thanks in advance,
best regards, --
*Attention changement de coordonnées à partir du 15 Juin 2015:*
*Sabrina LEGOUEIX RODRIGUEZ* Responsable Plateau Bioinformatique
Tél. : +33 (0) 5 61 28 57 92 sabrina.legoueix@toulouse.inra.fr <[MAIL]> www.toulouse-white-biotechnology.com
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