Hi, Peter, Thanks for pointing them out! The phi-blast and psi-blast actually share the same binary, both use the psiblast program in the NCBI BLAST+ tools. When the option -phi_pattern is used, then it does phi-blast searching. Best, Luobin On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Peter Cock <p.j.a.cock@googlemail.com>wrote:
On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Luobin Yang <yangluob@isu.edu> wrote:
Hi, Peter,
What difficulties did you see to include psi-blast and phi-blast when you were working on the other programs in the NCBI+ suite? I would be interested in creating a tool configuration file for each of these two.
Thanks, Luobin
Hi Luobin,
At first glance, the binaries for psiblast, rpsblast, and rpstblastn don't look too different for wrapping. We would need to define a third loc file for the RPS BLAST domain databases (like the existing loc files for nucleotide and protein databases).
However, I'm not immediately sure where phi-blast existing with the standalone NCBI BLAST+ tools. Do you know?