On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Timothy Wu <2huggie@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm implementing my own tools. In one tool I may have hundreds of input files.
That will be tricking in Galaxy - and unless there is some clever functionality I'm not aware of, very tedious for the end user. I think they'd have to manually select each file from a combo box (drop down select menu). Even if a single multi-select combobox could be used (can it? not sure off hand), it would be easy to make a mistake and miss out a file. How does your tool handle this at the command line (ignoring Galaxy)? Does it expect a directory name or pattern, or just a really long command line string with many many file names?
... I'm also curious if there is a limit to how long the command can be at the shell level. I suspect the tool won't be able to run especially with each of the galaxy files is designated in the absolute path.
Yes, there is an OS specific limit to the length of a command line string. If you do simply have hundreds of filenames in the command line string, you are likely to hit this limit - especially with absolute paths. Peter