I have been following the basic protocol for running remote tests on a Galaxy server (in this case, our local one) using: http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Admin/Running%20Tests
From reading this, I assume the tests are to be run from the galaxy root directory, like so:
GALAXY_TEST_EXTERNAL=1 GALAXY_TEST_HOST=my.local.galaxy.url GALAXY_TEST_PORT=8080 \ ./nosetests.sh However, no 'nosetests.sh' script exists there. Should we be using ./scripts/nosetests.py? ./scripts/functional_tests.py? Any clarification on this would be very helpful, we're just searching for a way to run tests in as automated a way as possible using the server configuration. chris Chris Fields Senior Research Scientist National Center for Supercomputing Applications Institute for Genomic Biology University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign