Hi Bjoern,

thanks for your quick answer.

My path to my picard is /home/galaxy/shed_tools/toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/picard/bf1c3f9f8282/picard unfortunately I cannot find a env.sh in there.
The env.sh is in the dependency folder /home/galaxy/shed_tools/dependency/picard/1.56.0/devteam/package_picard_1_56_0/61e41d21cb6f
The env.sh points to the right folder JAVA_JAR_PATH=/home/galaxy/shed_tools/dependency/picard/1.56.0/devteam/package_picard_1_56_0/61e41d21cb6f/jars; export JAVA_JAR_PATH

Any suggestions?


On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 3:31 PM, Björn Grüning <bjoern.gruening@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Alex,

can you check if all dependencies are installed. Afaik Galaxy sets an env variable to point to the actual jar file. That env variable is missing and the constructed path to your picard executable is looking like $SOME_NOT_SET_ENV_VAR/ReorderSam.jar.

Hope that helps,

Am 17.03.2014 15:48, schrieb Alexander Kurze:
Hi there,
we are running a local instant of galaxy and when running Picard tools
Reorder Sam files I get following error message:

"An error occurred with this dataset: *## exit code=1; stdout= Error:
Unable to access jarfile /ReorderSam.jar*"

Now, I thought that when installing picard-tools via the toolshed the
dependency should be added automatically. I am really not sure why it looks
for ReorderSam.jar in the top directory /. Any clues?

Best wishes,


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Alexander Kurze, DPhil
University of Oxford
Department of Biochemistry
South Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3QU
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