Hi Nate, Excellent to hear! I will stay tuned for this most welcome update. In the meantime, I welcome any other user's input on their solutions :) Cheers, Jason ----- Jason Gallant, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Associate Department of Biology BRB 224, 5 Cummington Street Boston University Boston, MA 02215 Lab: 617-358-4590 Office: 617-358-3291 www.jgallant.org On Jun 8, 2012, at 4:21 PM, Nate Coraor wrote:
On Jun 4, 2012, at 4:26 PM, Gallant, Jason wrote:
Greetings Galaxy Devs!
I've been doing a fair amount of poking around in the forums and on the wiki but haven't found a satisfying answer to my query...
Has anyone come up with a workable solution to run jobs from a local installation of galaxy on a campus cluster or on XSEDE/TeraGrid? While it might be possible for us (though probably a headache) to install galaxy on one of the head nodes on campus, it seems very unlikely for me to be able to do this on something like this on a resource such as blacklight.
Hi Jason,
There's work under way for Galaxy to support resources at a higher level so that it doesn't need direct access to a cluster or a shared filesystem. This would include support for XSEDE resources. We hope to complete it this summer.
In addition, some people on this list have made their own modifications to Galaxy to support environments like this, so perhaps some of them will post up with their solutions.
It seems that over the years past there have been a few mentions different strategies taken to accomplish something like this, but the details on this seem scarce. If this is something that someone on the list has worked out, does anyone have time to describe their setup in more detail?
More generally, are there plans in the Galaxy roadmap to include this as a potential feature in future releases? It seems that many small labs like ours would find this feature quite useful.
Appreciative of any help you might be able to provide-- keep up the great work Galaxy developers! ----- Jason Gallant, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Research Associate Department of Biology BRB 224, 5 Cummington Street Boston University Boston, MA 02215
Lab: 617-358-4590 Office: 617-358-3291 www.jgallant.org
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