Il 04.08.2015 07:57 Hakeem Almabrazi ha scritto:
Hello everyone,
I was able to setup galaxy to work with our HPC cluster using the LSF scheduler. So far so good except with few exceptions:
3. Finally, how do I control the resources (i.e cores for a job ) given to a submitted job on Galaxy?
Hi Hakeem, you need to specify new destinations in config/job_conf.xml, for example if you want to submit jobs asking for 4 cores on the same cluster node, use: <destination id="queue_name_4t" runner="drmaa"> <param id="nativeSpecification">-q queue_name -n 4 -R "span[hosts=1]"</param> </destination> Then in the <tools> section of config/job_conf.xml add <tool id="tool_id" destination="queue_name_4t"/> for each tool that should use 4 cores. More info at: Ciao, Nicola Connetti gratis il mondo con la nuova indoona: hai la chat, le chiamate, le video chiamate e persino le chiamate di gruppo. E chiami gratis anche i numeri fissi e mobili nel mondo! Scarica subito l’app Vai su