Hi ,


I am trying to get a dependency to work in practice (when running a tool after the installation). But I keep getting the following message when running the tool:



  [sshexec] galaxy.tools.deps DEBUG 2014-10-24 16:04:15,514 Building dependency shell command for dependency 'R_bioc_metams'

  [sshexec] galaxy.tools.deps WARNING 2014-10-24 16:04:15,514 Failed to resolve dependency on 'R_bioc_metams', ignoring



This is the tool requirements section:



              <requirement type="package" version="3.1.1">R_bioc_metams</requirement>



This is the repository_dependencies.xml :


<repositories description="Required metaMS dependencies.">

  <repository toolshed="http://testtoolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu"

  name="prims_metabolomics_dependencies" owner="pieterlukasse" changeset_revision="71356c62e5cd" />



This is the package name of the package that is being referred:



 <package name="R_bioc_metams" version="3.1.1">

      <install version="1.0">




I can’t find the problem. Any ideas? I have updated to the latest Galaxy version (today) and removed both items (with option to remove files) and installed them again. Am I facing a bug here?




Pieter Lukasse

Wageningen UR, Plant Research International

Department of Bioinformatics (Bioscience)

Wageningen Campus, Building 107, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB,
Wageningen, the Netherlands

T: +31-317481122;
M: +31-628189540;
skype: pieter.lukasse.wur
