Hi Simon I too have been down the long and fruitless task of searching for details about how to migrate a public (or not so public) galaxy server to a completely new host. In the end, I made some assumptions, strapped on my jodhpurs and spurs and dived in. Now I don't know whether what I've done is supported or encouraged by the galaxy team, or if its even the right way of doing this but after completing the steps below I was met with great success. 0. Assume that there is an old server running galaxy, and a brand new server running galaxy. 1. Stop Galaxy processes and Postgresql databases on old and new server. 2. To get the user data rsync /mnt/galaxy/files from old server to new server (assuming your galaxy instance is under /mnt/galaxy) 3. To get the database: a) remove the directory /mnt/galaxy/db on the new server (again assuming /mnt/galaxy is the path to your galaxy instance) b) Rsync the database files from the old server's /mnt/galaxy/db to the new server. 5. Update the database on the new server. I'm using cloudman to run a virtual instance of a galaxy server, and so I used cloudman to update the database. a) Attempt to start galaxy through cloudman (in my case this failed if I waited too long) b) Wait a second or 2, and then ask cloudman to update the database (this shutsdown galaxy and updates the database and then restarts galaxy). There is a command line script you can run that comes with galaxy and which can be used to update the database manually. If you attempt to start the galaxy process and the database is an older version the log files will contain a message about how to run this. You're done. Derek PS. Apologies for the terrible formatting in this Email. -- Systems Administrator Cloud Computing Genomics Virtual Lab Reseach Computing Centre The University of Queensland 4072 Australia Phone: +61-7-33462276 Fax: +61-7-33466630 Mobile: 0411 145 379 Email: d.benson@uq.edu.au Web: http://www.rcc.uq.edu.au