
I'm trying to write a tool that can send data(upload) from Galaxy to GenomeSpace.

I've developed a prototype that can be accessed by the following link:
(It locates at Galaxy Toolbox-> Get Data -> Send data to Genome Space)

But the current problem is, the Galaxy server doesn't has the authentic information (user-name, password or token) of Genome Space.
So the user need to submit the GenomeSpace account and password to the Galaxy server.

What's more, for every time he wants to do the uploading, he need to submit the GenomeSpace password again to Galaxy because Galaxy can not hold on this information.
It's quite inconvenient and unsafe to input the password again and again.
(If Galaxy can bind a user's Galaxy account to his Genome Space account, this problem may be solved. But as far as I know, this is not available currently.)

Does anyone know how to deal with this problem?


Best wishes,
Hanfei Sun