Hi Nate, No, our Galaxy server is not behind Apache. Our Galaxy is configured as it is can be used only by registered users, not anonymous. If I disable require_login in universe_wsgi.ini file then displaying of tracks in our UCSC mirror work fine. But enabling this setting results to the mentioned above error. 06.07.2011 22:30, Nate Coraor пишет:
Sergei Ryazansky wrote:
Hello all,
we have the UCSC genome browser mirror as well as Galaxy mirror. The Galaxy has a feature enabling a user to display the data at UCSC genome browser as custom tracks. I have configured the galaxy to display the data to our UCSC browser mirror but it doesn't work properly: after the redirecting to genome browser page the "redirected to non-http(s): /root" error message is appeared. At the same time displaying Galaxy data at official UCSC works excellent. What are the possible reasons of it? Thank you in advance! Hi Sergei,
If your Galaxy server is behind a proxy server serving via https, have you set the following header:
RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https
Please see the "SSL" section of the ApacheProxy page for more information: