I'm trying to use the API for showing workflow info which should be something like:
<url>/api/workflow/<workflow id>

But I'm getting the following error:
.../galaxy-dist/lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/workflows.py", line 80, in show
    label_name = step.tool_inputs['name']
TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

Which came from the following commit, two years ago:
         for step in latest_workflow.steps:
             if step.type == 'data_input':
-                 inputs[step.id] = {'label':"Input Dataset", 'value':""}
+                inputs[step.id] = {'label':step.tool_inputs['name'], 'value':""}
                # Eventually, allow regular tool parameters to be inserted and modified at runtime.
                # p = step.get_required_parameters()

What is step.tool_inputs and why is it None on my instance?
(For my local installation, I changed to the following check:  if step.type == 'data_input' and step.tool_inputs is not None - so the else will be triggered)
