Very likely you have to use the API for these kinds of workflows.
The UI for Galaxy is very limited in workflows that deviate from the One Input paradigm.

Even for the most common workflow (paired end DNA sequencing of multiple samples ) you have to resort to using the API...Puzzling...


Thon de Boer, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics Guru

On Nov 8, 2012, at 5:13 AM, LUO Yufei <> wrote:


The number of inputs is not fixed for my workflow, maybe I have 6 inputs, maybe more than that, the number of inputs depends on what data I have for the analysis.
As I know, in a workflow, all inputs should be pre-defined...that is to say, the number of inputs is known before running one workflow.
Do you have any idea for this problem? How can I do to make a workflow with the variable number of inputs?

In advance, thanks for the answer,
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