20 Oct
20 Oct
7:44 p.m.
Hi, I am sorry about the trivial questions. I am following this guide http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Admin/Config/Upload%20via%20FTP to set up a ftp server to upload data to my local instance of galaxy. I am getting a error when I am configuring the database server: postgres@aedes:~$ createuser -SDR galaxyftp postgres@aedes:~$ psql galaxydb psql (9.1.1) Type "help" for help. galaxydb=# ALTER ROLE galaxyftp PASSWORD 'dbpassword'; ALTER ROLE galaxydb=# GRANT SELECT ON galaxy_user TO galaxyftp; ERROR: relation "galaxy_user" does not exist galaxydb=# It might be something pretty simple, but I am new to it and any help will be appreciated. I create the user galaxy_user already. Thank you. Luciano