I recently updated tests for one of my wrappers and came across this strange behaviour:

The twill based testing reports a failure: https://travis-ci.org/saketkc/galaxy_tools/jobs/29956682#L1463

whereas, the API based testing shows success: https://travis-ci.org/saketkc/galaxy_tools/jobs/29956683

Unfortunately I cannot run these tests locally since I am behind a system proxy [Refer: http://dev.list.galaxyproject.org/Functional-Tests-and-ftype-td4664233.html] and have to rely on travis..

The place where twii tests fails shows that  it is trying to compare the diff between 'chasm_output_genes.tabular'  and 'chasm_output_variants.tabular' instead of  'chasm_output_genes.tabular'. [See : https://travis-ci.org/saketkc/galaxy_tools/jobs/29956682#L1469]

I tried running my tools locally and I did not come across any case where the 'variants' output gets replaced by the 'genes' output, thus possibly ruling out unexpected behavior from the tool's server end.

Is this a possible bug or am I missing something?
