Hi, Almost! def get_initial_value( self, trans, context, history=None ): in /lib/galaxy/tools/parameters/basic.py under class LibraryDatasetToolParameter( ToolParameter ) gets past the error. Now a popup with "Grid failed" appears, with an OK button that cleanly exits (see attached). So I guess that part is still broken unless there is more to the input parameter setup. I had tested with <param name="test" type="library_data" label="test" help="test help"/> I do like your better solution though, esp. if above control can't be primed with the desired library or folder. d. Hsiao lab, BC Public Health Microbiology & Reference Laboratory, BC Centre for Disease Control 655 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Z 4R4 Canada ________________________________________ From: James Taylor [james@jamestaylor.org] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 12:53 AM To: Dooley, Damion Cc: galaxy-dev@lists.bx.psu.edu Subject: Re: [galaxy-dev] Tool param type "library_data" It was only ever used for one tool that I know of, but we should make it work since we try to never break backward compatibility. If you add the 'history=None' kwarg is that sufficient to fix the problem? However, I think a better solution to this problem is to build it into dataset parameters. Anywhere a dataset can be provided it should be an option to provide a library dataset. Then one could imagine an option to restrict to only library datasets and a specific library.