Hi Freerk, I'm not sure about > 2Gb downloads, but I have successfully uploaded > 6GB files to a local Galaxy in the past. That was until I discovered the automatic processing of gzipped files when I accidentally selected a compressed file to upload. Since then I'm using zipped files a lot in my Galaxy and that works fine for me. To work around the > 2Gb file size limit it is important to make sure all parts involved are 64 bit. I can imagine uploading files > 2Gb will fail if your clients OS, web browser, server OS, Galaxy or any of its dependencies like the database used are still 32 bit software... By the way I noticed from your mail address domain you are in the Netherlands and there is increased interest in Galaxy overhere especially for "next gen sequencing". A group of BioAssist programmers is planning an informal gathering after the next BioAssist meeting. (Don't worry if you are not a BioAssist programmer. I'm not one either, but so far they don't bite :)). See https://wiki.nbic.nl/index.php/Seq:Meetings for more info or contact Barbara van Schaik @ UvA specifically for this next gen sequencing event or Rob Hooft @ NBIC for the BioAssist programmer meetings in general... Cheers, Pi ------------------------------------------------------------- Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics group Utrecht University Visiting address: H.R. Kruyt building room O607 Padualaan 8 3584 CH Utrecht The Netherlands Mail address: P.O. box 80.082 3508 TB Utrecht The Netherlands phone: +31 (0)6-143 66 783 email: pieter.neerincx@gmail.com skype: pieter.online ------------------------------------------------------------ On 27 Nov 2009, at 16:20, Dijk, F van wrote:
I use Galaxy to do Next-gen sequencing analysis. I do the alignment and such and after the alignment performed by Bowtie I want to save the files to my own harddisk, using the save option. The problem is I can't download large files (probably due to http which can't transfer files larger than 2 gb I think). Is there a way to work around this problem? I tried using the gzip options, but those options crashed Galaxy. I hope to hear from you soon.
Freerk van Dijk
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------------------------------------------------------------- mobile: +31 6 143 66 783 e-mail: pieter.neerincx@gmail.com skype: pieter.online -------------------------------------------------------------