
I try to setup a new galaxy env by following the wiki (used nginx, uwsgi)
Everything is actually working but if I try to add the grid engine, my jobs will not be fired...

I already found this post and try to adept it.. but well it did not helped.

The grid engine it self runs. Is there any way to observe on the fly what actually happens. All I see are just that the galaxy server started. Currently I have no clue how I can solve this problem.

Here is my job_conf

    <plugins workers="2">
        <plugin id="gridengine" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.drmaa:DRMAAJobRunner">
            <param id="drmaa_library_path">/opt/sge/lib/lx-amd64/libdrmaa.so</param>
        <plugin id="torque" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.drmaa:DRMAAJobRunner">
            <param id="drmaa_library_path">/usr/lib/pbs-drmaa/lib/libdrmaa.so</param>
        <plugin id="slurm" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.slurm:SlurmJobRunner">
            <param id="drmaa_library_path">/usr/lib/slurm-drmaa/lib/libdrmaa.so</param>
    <handlers default="handlers">
        <handler id="handler0" tags="handlers"/>
        <handler id="handler1" tags="handlers"/>
    <destinations default="cluster">
        <destination id="cluster" runner="gridengine"/>
        <destination id="cluster" runner="torque"/>
        <destination id="cluster" runner="slurm"/>

