Hi All, Many thanks to Assunta for pointing out an error: Dec 3 should say Dec 9. So the revised description: ============= Please consider attending this one, and announcing it to your communities: **Use Galaxy on the web, the cloud, and your laptop too: Options for using Galaxy: everywhere and right now** Wednesday, December 9th, 11am Eastern US time (see your time: https://bit.ly/2VABo3X) https://galaxyproject.org/events/2020-12-webinar-where/ This Galaxy webinar will introduce the many options for using Galaxy right now and anywhere in the world. We'll cover * Publicly accessible Galaxy servers on the web (there are over 100 of them) * Research and commercial cloud platforms, from Australia (Nectar) to the US (Jetstream, AnVIL), and everywhere in between (CloudLaunch) * On your laptop, using pre-packaged containers and virtual machines. The webinar will be at 11am Eastern US time (see your time). Enis Afgan, Anton Nekrutenko, and Mike Schatz will present. Interested? Please sign up now: https://bit.ly/2020-12-webinar-register ============== With many apologies, Dave C On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 11:31 AM Dave Clements <clements@galaxyproject.org> wrote:
Hi All,
There are two important Galaxy related calls next week. Please consider: * spreading the word about the first one to your communities. * attending both
Details are below.
Thanks, Dave C
============= Please consider attending this one, and announcing it to your communities:
**Use Galaxy on the web, the cloud, and your laptop too: Options for using Galaxy: everywhere and right now**
Wednesday, December 3rd, 11am Eastern US time (see your time: https://bit.ly/2VABo3X) https://galaxyproject.org/events/2020-12-webinar-where/
This Galaxy webinar will introduce the many options for using Galaxy right now and anywhere in the world. We'll cover * Publicly accessible Galaxy servers on the web (there are over 100 of them) * Research and commercial cloud platforms, from Australia (Nectar) to the US (Jetstream, AnVIL), and everywhere in between (CloudLaunch) * On your laptop, using pre-packaged containers and virtual machines.
The webinar will be at 11am Eastern US time (see your time). Enis Afgan, Anton Nekrutenko, and Mike Schatz will present.
Interested? Please sign up now: https://bit.ly/2020-12-webinar-register
============ Please consider attending this one:
**Get Involved with Galaxy: Introducing Galaxy Working Groups**
Thursday, December 10, Noon Eastern US (see your time: https://bit.ly/3g6J8nN) https://galaxyproject.org/events/2020-12-10-dev-roundtable/
Galaxy has grown a lot of the years, going from a project at one university in 2005 to the global community it is today. Several parts of the Galaxy ecosystem have become avowedly and obviously community driven during that time, including tools, code, training, and several other international efforts. It is past time to push this global model to other areas of Galaxy as well.
At the December 10 Galaxy Developer Roundtable we will introduce Galaxy Working Groups as a means for the community to help manage and contribute to key parts of the Galaxy ecosystem.
If you are interested and are potentially willing to contribute some of your time and effort to helping the global Galaxy effort, then please attend this roundtable on December 10. If you can't make it, the gathering will be recorded and published shortly after the event.