On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 6:18 PM, Samuel Lampa <samuel.lampa@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm looking into integrating some R scripts into Galaxy, which create some graphics / plots. We are interested in integrating those in galaxy somehow, or otherwise presenting them to the user in an as easy way as possible.
I wanted to check if there is some support for this kind of functionality there already, or if I'll need to hack something together myself?
(I couldn't really find anything here on the mailing list).
Many TIA!
Best // Samuel
There are existing tools which produce a PDF file as a Galaxy output, shown as its own 'green box' in the history. This works quite nicely if the browser shows the PDF in-line, but one one of my machines (not sure which browser off hand) it insists on downloading the PDF and opening it instead - which isn't quite as smooth an interface. Peter