Hello all, This is our first newsletter since January. It has been an eventful and sorrowful four months for the world, and for the Galaxy Community too: This newsletter starts with the tragic loss of James Taylor, one of Galaxy’s founders and leaders. We lost James at the beginning of April. This community, I suspect, will always feel that loss. The May 2020 issue https://galaxyproject.org/news/2020-05-galaxy-update/ James Peter Taylor , 1979-2020 * BCC2020 will be online, global, affordable, and accessible * All abstracts are due May 8 * Galaxy COVID-19 Response * Upcoming events * Blog posts * Galaxy Platform News * Training material and doc updates * Who’s Hiring * New Releases * New publications (671 of them) * And other cool news too If you have anything to include to next month’s newsletter, then please send it to outreach@galaxyproject.org. Thanks, for everything, Dave C -- https://galaxyproject.org/