Dear All, I try to column options for a param linked to a dataset contained in my history. The first column of my dataset contains sample names. I want it propose me all sample names contained in my dataset. It work when the dataset has few columns but it doesn't work when my dataset has a lot of columns.Someone has a solution? <param name="ysel" type="select" label="enter sample name(s)" multiple="true"> <options from_dataset="Xdata"> <column name="name" index="0"/> <column name="value" index="0"/> </options> </param> Thank you for help, -- Fabien Gogé UMR ITAP Irstea - SupAgro Information – Technologies – Analyse environnementale – Procédés agricoles Research Group ITAP Irstea - SupAgro Information – Technologies – environmental Analysis – agricultural Processes Irstea BP 5095 ; 34196 MONTPELLIER Cedex 1 ; FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)4 67 16 65 02